Friday, December 29, 2006

Chapter 8 - Sedona, AZ

It was another morning of this as we left Farmington, NM...

With a few highlights like this...
We stopped along old Route 66 as we entered Arizona...

Not too sure which is bigger - the sign, or Jamie or the rock behind them all...

And of course, the last gift we had stashed when he became too much even for himself...

A crazy road descending about 2000 ft in elevation took us down to Sedona - just stunning! Sedona is some sort of yuppified mystical spiritual center that brings all sorts of folks and freaks (like us). We got suckered at an information booth where they tell you that there are no RV parks in Sedona and that if we just attend this 90 minute session tomorrow morning, that the $55 fee for the RV site at this high end resort would be waived. We were also told that we couldn't just show up and rent a site, we could only go there if we attended the pitch. (oh - and a $25 coupon towards lunch or dinner and a $500 online shopping coupon - you find out later it's from Home Shopping Network and affiliates - who really buys that stuff anyway?) So, if your next gift is a Suzanne Sommer's Thigh Master, don't be surprised - we were struggling to figure out how to spend the money! :)

So, we went out to dinner and wrangled the kids (she's coughy and he's tired of sitting still) and then hunkered down for the night at this place.

Dad went out for a soak in the hot tub in the center of the facility and after seeing this place for the first time, surmised that they are timeshare/ fractional ownership places that are smaller than your average mobile home, but bigger than the RV we are in. Kind of like a glorified trailer park for people who are either upgrading from their present trailer park, or seriously downsizing and wanting to live the 'cozy' life. We'll give a full report tomorrow after the 9am showing where the kids are being taken care of by the in-house day care.

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