Wednesday, August 31, 2005

How do I get this thing in the water?

Jamie contemplates the HUGE boat that he wants to 'single-hand" through hawaiian waters.

Jamie's thoughts at the moment this was taken --- "hmmm, if I can get out into this bay and land a nice opah or bluefin, I could get some serious cash from the restaurant next door."

Mama's Fish House on Maui has fish so fresh they have the name of the boat, and the person who caught it on the menu. Jamie's dream meal -- "Macadamia nut crusted opah with a fresh mango and papaya sauce garnished with fresh organic green onions and thyme. Finished with a sweet port. Yummmy. Caught by Brainy Juice aboard the Mama Outrigger Canoe"

Can't you hear the waves lapping the shore???

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Blog Spam Upsets Jamie!

Jamie is constantly amazed at the blogosphere and how so many people can come in contact with him in a short amount of time. Hidden advertising is everywhere. And because of some comments, they're even here on a page devoted to a little kid. And that isn't the intention.

Jamie would appreciate that if you want to leave a comment, it is not one that is blatently promoting some unrelated commercial interest. Frankly, it upsets him that the audacity of a few taints the innocent fun he's trying to have.

The pic is from eight months ago, a time Jamie's parents can't remember.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Have you seen my test scores?

Jamie scores off the charts for new early testing methods with Ivy leaguers. Apparently, besides the outfit and perfect hair, he has what it takes to get a full ride!!! PS - Anyone with an inside scoop on admissions people who actually give out these "full rides" are encouraged to email us.

Come on!! In twenty years this face will be the epitome of scholarly wisdom! How can you disagree?

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Monday, August 22, 2005

Do I look pretentious in this?

Jamie sizes up a potential bath time fixture.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Bath Time...

with daddy is the best - no BUTTS about it.

Biking in Bend

Not the helmet again!!! Dad's not wearing one, why do I have to?

Friday, August 19, 2005

Does it get any better?

Jamie, on the south end of Lanai island, kicking back with a cocktail while dad goes snorkeling. He really has worked hard for this moment. No cell phones, no faxes, no neighbors, no nonsense! Good times.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hawaii Five - Oh's!!!

how it all started...

jamie playing the role of biff hamilton, aristocrat and polo player extraordinaire..."uh, please, no pictures!"

maui - in da boat mon at mama's fish house...

chillin with dad in our swanky house

three strong drinks for the red-eye flight back to LA

Bend, Oregon

Last month with some of the family. Hi guys!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Turned down by Quiznos!

Today Jamie had a "casting call" to be the new BOB for the Quizno's commercials. Sadly, (I only say sadly because his paycheck would have pretty much covered college) - they chose some other kids.

When I asked how he did in the room with the client and director I was told, "He did great - he's just not full enough in the face. Sorry."

So, my kids' not fat enough for Quizno's? Why do they need fat kids to sell sandwiches? I can see it now - "Bob here. See how fat I am now? Just wait til I get my hands on some hot roast beef sanwiches and CARBS!!! Sandwich, Large Soda, Chips, and a MuMu included."

Apparently, they are taking the opposite approach to Subway. Regardless, we don't eat at either chain and we suggest you don't either. So there, Quizno's.

Oh - the pic is from Maui at Mama's Fish House. Jamie kickin it oceanside...more to come.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Bahama & Mama

Back in a week -- off Taking Pictures!@!

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

NYC - Party Time

Four in the afternoon, partying a little too hard in the Big Apple, Jamie decides to recoup...

Monday, August 08, 2005

Daddy's Little Man!!!

"Whaaaat? I'm just looking for my Cheerio."

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Jamie's Favorite Teething Ring!

While most people spend oodles of money on fancy teething rings, we decide to give him what is available and necessary at the time....He prefers it if you freeze it first.

Child grows from Floor!

Amazing new discovery with flooring products and growth hormones now tested in children! Patents pending, Dow Chemical welcome to bid for the formula...