Elise, Adam and Lanie came down for their spring break. They stayed in Santa Barbara the first night then stayed at our place for the weekend. They went to Magic Mountain, we fished off the Santa Monica Pier, we had some adventures in Hollywood with parrots on the street, the kids on a casting couch and a freak dressed like Spiderman. (In hindsight I can't believe I let Jamie get on his back so close to Hollywood Blvd.) Elise took them to UCLA and the beach. They visited Elise's cousin who just had a baby - you can sort of see Adam holding the baby but Dylan got front and center in that photo. And after all the fun and festivities, below is the hilarious school essay Lanie wrote about her vacation. DB and I and the kids were all fighting various sicknesses which clearly made the biggest impression...gotta love Lanie's positive outlook!
My Break
During spring break I went to southern California. First, I slept over at my moms frends moms house. Befor I went to bed she fed raccoons and skunks. In the morning she fed a bluejay named Babaloo. Second, My Uncle (DB) got food poisening. Then my cusen (Jamie) got pinck eye. then my other cusen (Dylan) got pinck eye. Then my brother and I got food posing and my ant (Taylor) got a cold. I had a greate spring break. Lanie
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