Sunday, March 18, 2007

Weekend in the Desert

We headed up to the high desert to see our friends Sandra and Bridget about two hours outside of LA on Sat morning. Stopped at a couple of oddities places:

I'm glad Jamie was scared of it at first, but worried later when the two of them ganged up on it.

Look at her eyes, son!
Out in the back 5 acres of Bridget and Sandra's.
This was a major source of Jamie's enjoyment, but also a source of serious wetness inside, so we had to shut it down for awhile.

Ok - who drinks out of it first?

Sandra wanted to open the windows in the house since the wind was up. Considering the amount of dust in the desert, what better way to cut down on the dust than to take out the new water truck and spray down the road! Jamie was stoked to take a ride in Sandra's brand new water truck. No seat belts since we're out in the desert and only speeding at five miles an hour.

Thanks Sandra & Bridget for a great weekend!

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