Friday, March 30, 2007

Today's Coronary Brought to You by Pink's

Pinks is a Hollywood Legend. Rumor has it that Orson Wells once ate 18 hot dogs in one sitting. More here.

Today was a Hollywood errand day, so Jamie and Dylan got to experience the long lines, and the famous hotdogs and onion rings. Here's the line at 11:30 in the morning.
The line.
Here's the coronary on a plate: Pastrami Rueben Dog, Chili Dog and Onion Rings. 12 bucks
Yes, that's Orange soda he's drinking.
Dylan wasn't about to be outdone by her older brother, so she gummed up an onion ring herself.
We'll let you all know how long we can go without Pepto Bismol.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Vacation in Baja

Just a short three hour drive away from LA is a slower world that we would like to inhabit more often. Baja Mexico. They don't stop you going in, but they sure do stop you coming back.

Lots of development going on down here. Just five years ago, a lot of this area was just open land.
Mom and Dad drool just thinking about huevos rancheros and the flavor of the homemade tortillas grilled over a wood fire, imparting the most delicious flavor. The entire restaurant serves organic deer, rabbit, lamb, cow, grouse, & chickens raised on their farm 30 minutes away. It has to be the best Dad's ever had.All cooked over an open wood fire - those are potatoes on the top - YUM!

Heading past Rosarito on a lonely side street is the remembrances of one too many people who have passed away under this bridge.
And no wonder - there's no guardrails.
A poor guy from Alaska didn't navigate the bridge too well. We hope everyone was ok.
We figure that whoever painted this sign may have had a couple as well.

Dylan on the palapa dancefloor at our hotel.Undoubtedly, one of the best photos of Dylan.
The next morning on a walk on the "sandy" beaches of Baja's K-38, a renowned surf spot.
They built a larger than lifesize Jesus a year ago that overlooked our hotel. We figured that since Jesus was praying over us, the hotel wouldn't fall into the ocean. We were right. Jamie smiles for the camera.

The best part of this place is just watching the waves from your balcony or out on a walk. Nevermind the two busloads of San Diegans who showed up earlier in the day to get so drunk that none of them could walk straight. What a loud bunch. Louder than Jamie and Dylan combined which is hard to believe.
Jamie trys a pinapple juice shot. He even swallowed the worm. What a trooper.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Weekend in the Desert

We headed up to the high desert to see our friends Sandra and Bridget about two hours outside of LA on Sat morning. Stopped at a couple of oddities places:

I'm glad Jamie was scared of it at first, but worried later when the two of them ganged up on it.

Look at her eyes, son!
Out in the back 5 acres of Bridget and Sandra's.
This was a major source of Jamie's enjoyment, but also a source of serious wetness inside, so we had to shut it down for awhile.

Ok - who drinks out of it first?

Sandra wanted to open the windows in the house since the wind was up. Considering the amount of dust in the desert, what better way to cut down on the dust than to take out the new water truck and spray down the road! Jamie was stoked to take a ride in Sandra's brand new water truck. No seat belts since we're out in the desert and only speeding at five miles an hour.

Thanks Sandra & Bridget for a great weekend!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Malibu Surfrider Beach this Morning

The waves were head high on the first point and the old surfers on second point enjoyed the waist high sets as Jamie, Dylan, and Dad had a great walk and run along the beach and then some sandy snacks. What a morning. Took the edge off of all the screaming and noise from the two hours prior.
Jamie wouldn't wear a shirt for the life of him so we braved the haze with gobs of sunscreen. Honest, Mom. He wore tons of it.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Disc golf - Jamie Cheats!~

We took a drive up to Glendale, an hour away and tried our hand at some frisbee golf. After a long walk, some lunch, digging in the dirt and exploring various holes, we actually finished three holes. Thank god no one tried to play through.

But Jamie cheats. He walks the disc closer to the basket instead of throwing it. I'm not playing with him anymore.


Sunday, March 04, 2007